My older brother, John Walker Montgomery was diagnosed with leukemia in 2009., and it turned out to be a very bad variant of the disease. Our family rallied around John to support, help, and do whatever we could for him, his wife Sue, and their two boys, Robert and Michael.
Along with my oldest brother, I was asked to submit bloodwork to determine if there was a familial bone marrow match I was a slightly better match and agreed to be a donor and in early May of 2010, my wife Beverly and I headed to Houston, Texas to MD Anderson to donate. The procedure was surprisingly painless and extremely easy. I was privileged and honored that I could do something so simple to help give John a chance at life again.
He rallied after receiving my bone marrow, but a year after the procedure, he passed away on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2011.
Hoping to defray expenses my wife and I researched any organization to assist. a donor,. We found many organizations and businesses which are eager to assist the cancer patient but we couldn’t find any foundation to help cover travel expenditures, food costs, or lodging expenses. As a result, the JWM Foundation was founded. The Foundation has two missions: to honor the life of my brother and to provide the often needed financial support that is an additional burden donors face. I hope you will join us as we seek to surround all who are committed to giving cancer victims the hope they need through donor participation.
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